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PUBG Mobile to Ban in India

PUBG Mobile to Ban in India

Among gamers, PUBG Mobile has become a household name. However, while the game emerges as being so popular among battle royale multiplayer games. There are still critics pointing out its vices. Right ...


Top 3 Best Synology NAS 2019

Top 3 Best Synology NAS 2019

In order for any institution or business to run fruitfully, they need to have a dependable data storage. More so, it is also worth knowing that data storage solutions are now mainly cloud-based or ...


5 Best Gadgets Rolling Out Today

5 Best Gadgets Rolling Out Today

Powerful, useful, smart, and amazing, these are the characteristics we opt to determine if a device deserves to be included as one of Digitogy’s Top 5 best gadget or not. Now, we prepared a list of 5 ...


3 Best Powerful NAS 2019

3 Best Powerful NAS 2019

For the better part of the decade, Network Attached Storage or NAS device existed in one form to another. And since it is our very first time to talk about it here in Digitogy. We will fill you about ...


Top 3 Cheapest NAS of 2019

Top 3 Cheapest NAS of 2019

While many users are still new to the idea of NAS. This device obviously shows multiple reasons to be a wise investment to many. However, various individuals enter this investment cautiously. And due ...


Dream Dots Acne Spot Patches

Dream Dots Acne Spot Patches

Once so clear, but now oh dear! Have you ever dreamed about getting back to your once clear face that is now full of visible acne? Are you tired of searching for a remedy on how to get rid of pimples ...

The New Features of Android Pie

The New Features of Android Pie

On Google Pixel phones, the newest Android 9.0 also called as Android Pie is already out for several months now. However, some of us are still clue-less on what features does this new Android flavor ...