5G is coming – How long will we wait?

5G is a successor in terms of its predecessors such as; the 2G, 3G, and the 4G. Like so, with the debut of 2G in early ninety’s, wireless phone technology expands from a voice-based technology into one that supports text messaging. Thus, the 3G carries data in addition to text messages and on the phone calls. And also, the 4G LTE or the fourth-generation Long-term Evolution enhances those capabilities with greater speed and reliability.

Updated on 8 February 2025

Honestly, 5G network brings out more of improvements. Though, it also comprises of a suite of new technology. However, not everyone agrees on what should be included in the final specification. Thus, the most-talked contenders are small cells, millimeter waves, massive MIMO, full duplex, and beamforming.

Moreover, 5G will be fast. Really be fast. Thus, ITU’s latest draft specification calls for a minimum of 20Gbps downlink and 10Gbps uplink per mobile base station.

How long will we wait with?

Whilst most carriers were initially vowed a widespread rollout of 5G in the year 2020. That they have become a little more reserved over the previous year. Moreover, here’s what we adopt from each carrier at MWC 2018.


AT&T announces to build out a standard-based mobile 5G network in 2018. Thus, the carrier has committed to rolling out the network in a sort of cities over the year with Dallas, Atlanta, and Waco. In which, in Texas is being the first city to see the service. In this matter, the carrier will use mmWave for the internet. And will roll out in addition of spectrum bands in the near future.


There is no doubt that Verizon wants to be the first ever to implement fixed and mobile 5G. Like so, the company is currently working to update its architecture to support 5G service. For this reason, we could start seeing the results of their work through the years.


Last February, Sprint is the only carrier that does not attend to the Mobile World Congress. The company has announced that it would roll out 5G in Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Houston, Washington, D.C, and Dallas in 2019. And since the company is using Massive MIMO (Multiple-input Multiple-output) antennas to deliver 5G service.

In addition, just like the other carriers, Sprint will use LTE as the network backbone with 5G network pick up in areas with coverage. Whilst it is anticipated to roll out its service on the said six markets in 2019 as 5G capable devices come into the market. Moreover, the company has promised to have a national rollout in 2019.


According to Neville Ray, T-Mobile’s chief technology officer, the 5G service definitely will roll out over 30 major cities. That includes; Dallas, New York, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles in 2018. Though in reality, you should see the limited 5G service in the said markets in 2019. Like so, just likely as the AT&T, the T-mobile 5G network will roll out in addition of spectrum bands in the future Thus, in the days that the 5G-capable smartphones already have its first public appearance.

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Mary, a passionate computer engineer, finds her biggest hobby in exploring the vast world of the internet. On this platform, she eagerly shares her extensive knowledge of the Internet with the readers through detailed articles and reviews. With a background in Computer Engineering studies, Mary's expertise allows her to provide valuable insights and guidance. For inquiries or collaboration, feel free to contact her at mary@digitogy.com.

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