User Posts: Mary W.

Be the King or Queen of your smart home with these top 5 smart gadgets that work with Google Home. Get the most out of your Google Assistant’s amazing home ...

It is truly undeniable that most of us buy gadgets to take advantage of its useful features and experience convenience at its best. However, there are just ...

People who love going outdoors are familiar with the predicament of either leaving their valuables or enjoying their time outside. Unless you want thieves to ...

Either you are currently using a pair of new Airpods or planning to buy one a few days from now. Then, you landed on the right article to read. In here, you ...

People are already infested with the thought that tech companies are discreetly watching and spying them due to the previous allegations being involved by big ...

One of the best things to start this year calmer is to begin being mindful. Stop the stress, feel relaxed, and forget all the indiscretions there is in the ...

There is an assumption about 0.10.5 PUBG Mobile update saying it will, at last, bring zombies back to life. I mean zombies in the gameplay of PUBG Mobile. What ...

The life in the road is obviously thrilling yet dangerous. And for this reason, most people today use Google Maps in order to elevate their road safety, avoid ...

It seems that the year 2019 is the best year for PS4 users too. In line with this, Virtual Reality is now coming on PlayStation VR and it is confirmed this ...

In the field of technology, everything that linked with fitness brings out the names of some portable tech gadgets daily used today like fitness trackers, ...

Today, Redmi officially launched the most awaited Redmi Note 7 which we have previewed yesterday on the official Weibo account of the company. On the post, ...

Neck pain is considered one of the nuisances of our busy world. Most people experience it after a day of hard labor. Whether the pain is a result of constantly ...

Have you ever dreamed of having a chiseled jawline and sculpted face? I mean, who wouldn't want a killer side profile that makes everyone swoon? Well, what if ...

As women age, a normal condition known as Menopause is experienced. In simple terms, this marks the end line of a woman’s reproductive period. Unfortunately, ...

Shower time is the best time of the day ever (except for mealtime of course). After a whole action-packed day of hard work, you must love to take the time to ...

From 3000 BC until the year 2010, we have been using the same old single headed toothbrush. Yes, you read it right. We haven’t really advanced that much and ...

I could imagine how every woman takes care of their precious handbags like it is their own baby. It is even more when the ones they have is a designer bag that ...

There are two types of people living in the same house: the one who loves to clean and one who hates it. But, whether if we like it or not, there are certain ...

Once so clear, but now oh dear! Have you ever dreamed about getting back to your once clear face that is now full of visible acne? Are you tired of searching ...

Welcome to the year 2019 everyone! Starting from this month onwards, we will bring the best things you can ever hear off. In here, we provide the News and Tech ...

It is not only distraction that makes mobile phones worthy to be ban in schools but also because of the stress it gives on young minds. For this reason, it is ...

Free text apps online are hard to find. Especially at first, you are optimistic about the idea that these free messaging applications come easy. Yet, in the ...

We have been waiting to witness the classic game Lemmings on mobile phones again. And now, our wait will cease. Lemmings for iOS and Android is now released by ...

Are you tired of those messy situations you find yourself in every single time you use glue? Well, we all know how hard it is to fix things on our own. Is ...

Updated on 2019 will be an awesome year for tech geeks. And so was the year 2018 and 2017 as we look back. But it is just so impressive how the world of tech ...

In every part of a house, power outlets can be found. And think about it, these components are just as plain as bread without a feeling. However, since ...

Updated on There is a sea of the rain dust cover for laptop bags and backpacks you can choose from today. However, this makes it harder to pick the best ...

Have you received a new Apple Watch this Christmas? How nice if you did. Being new to a gadget takes time and lots of curiosity to be familiar and expert on ...

When it comes to giving discounts, Nintendo is extremely stingy. However, Nintendo must be feeling kind-hearted for the holidays since some of their best ...

One of the reasons why you have to say a big thanks to the one who gave you a new Apple TV as a gift this holiday is that, you can do a lot with it. Explore ...

Updated on Before the year ends, we would also like to make a listing of some of the useful yet weird items we have found so far in Amazon. And so, we ...

On Google Pixel phones, the newest Android 9.0 also called as Android Pie is already out for several months now. However, some of us are still clue-less on ...

Smartphone photography is becoming more and more popular. That said, the cameras of various smartphones have dramatically increased in the past couple of years ...

Browsing All Comments By: Mary W.