User Posts: Dominique S.

When our laptops and desktop computers get older year after year, they also become slower and less reliable. However, not all of us can afford to buy a ...

With the fast-paced tech advancements today, there are better and newer devices being launched every month. However, two external storage devices that are ...

Updated on Don't think your mobile phones could get infected too? Think again. Mobile malware is increasingly becoming widespread at an alarming rate. ...

Like any fan of the great outdoors, I am a sucker for gadgets that help me survive whenever I'm camping or trekking. Swiss knives are one of my favorite handy ...

When you are walking home at night, the major thing on your mind is getting home safe, isn't it? But how do you ensure that happens in this increasingly unsafe ...

Two Chinese hackers face charges against stealing data in about a dozen countries, including the US. The hacking group took a massive amount of US data from ...

Updated on Twitter users have been lamenting about the algorithmic feed which messes up the order of tweets on their timelines. If you're using Twitter ...

Updated on If you think paying with a debit or credit card is the most convenient form of cashless payment, think again. And no, it doesn't involve ...

You can't rely on Facebook privacy policies to be as upfront as you want them to be. If you don't want companies to make money off of your data, it's up to you ...

Last July, Opera introduced a safe and convenient way of managing your cryptocurrencies. Simply called Opera Crypto Wallet, this built-in digital wallet works ...

Don't you just wish to stand as straight as beauty queens do? Unfortunately for most people including me, poor posture is a norm. And I can't blame you, ...

Our body is composed of 80% of water and it will go haywire once we lack proper hydration. We've heard our moms, teachers, nurses, and dietitians telling us to ...

I've worn glasses since I was a kid, and one thing I realized is that no matter how often you wipe the lenses, it will always get dirty. And it will only take ...

Although we're still a long shot from having touchscreen windshields in our cars, FIXD is getting us closer to that. A heads up display, also known as HUD, is ...

As a woman, one of the most painful things you can see around the house is strands of hair everywhere. Believe me, I know the feeling. There's a lot on the ...

Some men are lucky enough to have less body hair than others. This can be chalked up to genetics and race -- generally, European, Caucasian, and Middle Eastern ...

Every traveler's nightmare is losing their luggage at the airport or having its contents stolen. It's stressful to constantly think about your belongings when ...

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