Every Tech Expert’s Gadget Wish List

Most of us ask tech experts on what gadgets are the best for this and that. However, we barely ask them on what things do they consider as the best for them too. Which is why we have decided to serve a special wish gadgets review to highlight every Tech Expert’s wish this Christmas. See if we included one of your favorites and maybe you’ll realize that you are a Tech Expert yourself.

Updated on 1 January 2025

Forbes Technology Council’s List of Favorite Gadgets

Apple Watch Series 4

Being included in the list of Forbes Technology Council’s favorite gadgets makes a particular tech gadget very awesome. In fact, one of the best gadgets on wish is the sleek Apple Watch Series 4. This smartwatch is once considered as an unnecessary technology. However, it proves to be a boon when it comes to its healthcare benefits. In fact, Apple Watch Series 4 is redesigned fundamentally in order to serve the best functions it can render. It includes the features to help you be connected, active and healthy day by day.

[amazon box=”B07HDHVS77″ title=”Apple Watch Series 4″ image_alt=”Apple Watch Series 4″ rating=”4.7″ image_size=”medium” description=”40mm smartwatch with electrical and optical heart sensor and GPS.”]

So far, Apple Watch Series 4 has the largest Apple watch screen yet. It has an advanced electrical heart sensor, updated Digital Crown with haptic feedback, and entirely new but familiar features. Moreover, it is a perfect proactive health monitor basically made to improve health every day and protect it along the way. Best if you love working out. This tech gadget is an ultimate partner for workouts and daily adventures of your active life. Most of all, you can track your activities with this smartwatch and share it with your friends to inspire each other on your fitness goals.

HTC Vive

Who says tech experts don’t play? Well, they definitely do. In fact, they included a VR gaming headset on their top gadget wish list. One of the Forbes Council says HTC Vive deserves to be there. This Virtual Reality gadget has the ability to transform anyone into a whole new world far from here.

[amazon box=”B00VF5NT4I” title=”HTC Vive” image_alt=”HTC Vive” rating=”4.0″ image_size=”medium” description=”Fully Immersive Virtual Reality System.”]

To set this system ready, you only have to switch your Windows PC on and HTC Vive will detect if your PC is compatible or not. You can access free contents during the two months free trial it offers of Viveport Subscription. Afterward, you’ll immediately be immersed in a fully immersive environment it provides. It has a precision movement tracking for about 360 degrees controller, flexible play area capability, and it is powered using Steam VR where you can enjoy more than 2800 games for SteamVR.

Garmin’s inReach Explorer+

Of course, a tech expert also hikes on their vacation too. As proof, they included Garmin’s inReach Explorer+ on their wish list. Moreover, f you are an outdoor person just like the tech expert who included this clever gadget, then better grab this item today. Using Garmin’s inReach Explorer+, you can stay connected with the world while you are off the grid. In fact, it is the best handheld satellite communicator you can ever find today. It is designed mainly for outdoor enthusiasts which makes it packed with outdoor survival features.

[amazon box=”B07FYQG2YP” title=”Garmin inReach Explorer+” image_alt=”Garmin inReach Explorer+” rating=”5.0″ image_size=”medium” description=”Waterproof Handheld Satellite Communicator.”]

It comprises features such as worldwide coverage of GPS along with a preloaded TOPO Maps. These features don’t need cell towers to work so you can use it all the sides of the world. Also, you can use it anywhere around the globe for messaging. It has an absolute messaging connection so you are inReach to people no matter distance you have in between. Furthermore, it comprises a two-way GEOS response for emergency purposes. GEOS is the best in the world when it comes to emergency response solutions. Likewise, it works for outstanding monitoring with its 24/7 SOS response.

Haiku Home

One of the tech expert’s best gadgets you can give this Christmas is Haiku Home. This cool gadget is a clean start if you want to make your home smarter this 2019 by allowing you to use Alexa in order to switch on or off your Haiku lights and fans. Once you installed this smart gadget, create a Haiku Home account through Haiku Home mobile application. Afterward, add up the Haiku devices in your home to continue the fun.

[amazon box=”B01F6D3ZHU” title=”Haiku Home” image_alt=”Haiku Home” rating=”2.8″ image_size=”medium” description=”Connects haiku fans and lights to Alexa.”]

Through Haiku Home, you can Control Haiku enabled rooms. Tell Alexa to switch on your Haiku light or fan or turn it off if needed. Change the speed of the fan when the night gets colder. And furthermore, you can change the brightness of your Haiku lights with this cool home addition. All of these once-impossible things are now attainable through Haiku Home. No wonder why tech expert’s list added this along.

Skydio’s R1 Drone

The most luxurious item included in the top gadgets wish listed by the prestige members of Forbes council is the Skydio’s, R1 Drone. Why not? It is the most developed autonomous device in the world. Skydio R1 Drone is the best flying camera you can ever use with easy controlling features to utilize. Best for biking, running, playing and all the best adventures of your life; capture all of them using this tech expert’s favorite.

[amazon box=”B07HRPQNLW” title=”Skydio R1 Drone” image_alt=”Skydio R1 Drone” rating=”5.0″ image_size=”medium” description=”13 camera drone with 4K autonomous footage and predictive capabilities.”]

Skydio’s R1 Drone has a 4K dynamic video capability where you can directly share the footage on your mobile device on hand. With its full autonomy, the engine of Skydio will absolutely help you see the world using its 13 high-resolution cameras. As a result, it can instantly map and analyze its environment while simultaneously capturing Holywood like video footage. The best thing about this drone is that it never misses capturing its subject even if it flies far above. Most of all, it predicts where you will be next so it captures how you move from one side to another.

Finalizing the List

Now let us finalize the list. First, we have listed Apple Watch Series 4. Next, HTC Vive hit the second spot. Then Garmin inReach Explorer+, Haiku Home, and Skydio R1 Drone fill the list all the way. Yet, the list of tech expert’s wish goes on and on. Furthermore, may we ask if we missed your favorite gadget on this review on every tech expert’s wish list? If we did, then let we know what your inner tech expert’s wants.

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Mary, a passionate computer engineer, finds her biggest hobby in exploring the vast world of the internet. On this platform, she eagerly shares her extensive knowledge of the Internet with the readers through detailed articles and reviews. With a background in Computer Engineering studies, Mary's expertise allows her to provide valuable insights and guidance. For inquiries or collaboration, feel free to contact her at mary@digitogy.com.

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