Smart Gadgets to Achieve Pollution Free Home

Many of us are consuming most of our time indoors, in the warm comfort of our homes. While we psychologically believe that indoors is healthy, breathing air outdoor on the other hand is becoming a situation that is unavoidable for people on their daily lives. For this, we would like to share with you our list of Smart Gadgets to Achieve a Pollution Free Home.

Updated on 20 February 2025

List of Best Air Purifying Smart Gadgets

Netatmo Smart Indoor Air Quality Monitor

As one of the smart gadgets for Alexa enhanced, this one provides the healthiest home for monitoring the best temperature, humidity, air quality, noise level and everything matters around every corner of your home. Netatmo Smart Indoor Air Quality Monitor uses high-end sensors to point out problems and suggests possible ways on how to fix them. Like so, all of this gadget’s data is stored online and can be accessed anywhere by logging into your smartphones, tablet or PC.

[amazon box=”B0095HVAKS” title=”Neatmo Smart” image_alt=”Neatmo Smart” rating=”4.0″ image_size=”medium” description=”Smart Indoor Air quality Monitoring gadget with CO2 and Noise Sensors.”]

With its sleek and elegant design, it can easily blend with any home’s décor. Plus, this French company produced smart device comes with a simple app that monitors the air and humidity letting you know if your home is healthy or not. It keeps track and balances humidity for a healthy environment indoors so you and your family can enjoy breathing and laughing inside your warm joyous abode.

Atmotube 2.0

Another air quality monitoring smart gadget for home created to improve consciousness for both indoor and outdoor air quality is this one of the smart gadgets 2019. Atmotube 2.0 is helpful for asthmatics, people with lung diseases, young children or elderly. It is a complete gadget that can benefit all ages fit for family use. In fact, it combines ultra-low power consumption with its battery and real-time multi-gas sensors. Which means you can enjoy its benefits with less cost and more power savings.

[amazon box=”B01BST18LQ” title=”Atmotube 2.0″ image_alt=”Atmotube 2.0″ rating=”3.6″ image_size=”medium” description=”Portable Air Quality Monitor. Indoor/Outdoor Air Pollution Tracker”]

This portable smart gadget monitors carbon monoxide, humidity, Volatile Organic Compounds or VOC’s and temperature helpful for eliminating unnecessary elements in the air that can cause danger when inhaled for a long time. Poisonous air can never be seen with the naked eye. However, with the use of Atmotube 2.0, you can now eradicate these dangers without the need to see it.

These smart gadgets for bedroom are packed with a durable battery life that lasts up to 2 days. All of its system features can be accessed online together with Air Score app that tells you places to avoid when it is polluted. This helpful app also uses a map with all the other Atmotube users’ readings from all over the world. In this way, user’s can exchange relevant information about the places they recently reviewed using Atmotube 2.0.


As one of the top smart gadgets for home, AirVisual provides detailed figures. More so, these figures can help you discover everything about the air inside your home. It rangers from humidity, air temperature, carbon monoxide and bacteria which can be detected with its built-in 5-inch color display for status reading. Plus, you can also receive alerts real time right on your PC’s or mobile devices for over 35 countries all over the world. However, if your country is not yet covered with this feature, expect that AirVisual will reach yours soon. Additionally, this smart gadget is designed accordingly with the medical standards that will benefit those who suffer from lung diseases, high blood pressure, or even cancer.

[amazon box=”B0784TZFRW” title=”AirVisual” image_alt=”AirVisual” rating=”4.1″ image_size=”medium” description=”Smart air quality monitor that compares outdoor and indoor air quality.”]

Awair 2nd Edition

Another example of smart gadgets to achieve a pollution free home is the 2nd edition Awair. This smart air quality monitor analyzes your home air information from alert sensors associated with the device. These sensors are used to measure greater accuracy and control with the temperature and humidity, Volatile Organic Compounds or VOC levels, dust, and Carbon Monoxide inside your home. Likewise, it keeps track with the ambiance of the surroundings with measurements interacted with LED lights displaying a quick overview of your home’s air quality using various color representations. Also, it uses advanced TrueSense technology for greater control and accuracy with complex analytics. This sleek home gadget will surely purify the air inside your home. Finally for starters, green light represents a good air quality, Yellow light for Fair quality, and Red for Poor quality.

[amazon box=”B07F282LF4″ title=”Awair 2″ image_alt=”Awair 2″ rating=”3.9″ image_size=”medium” description=”Air quality monitor that senses fine dust, CO2, Chemicals, and more.”]

Wynd Plus

Among all the air purifiers we included in this list, Wynd Plus stands unique. This smart air purifier only helps by purifying the air surrounding your head and not all. This result is achieved using a combination of clever particulate matter sensor that can be detached with its portable purification unit that is as small as a bottle.

And because it is a smart home gadget, Wynd Plus comes with a useful smartphone application used to utilize most of its smart features. Overall, it is 17 centimeters tall and its base is 7.1 centimeters wide. Disregarding its small built, Wynd Plus claims to deliver up to 8 liters of purified air per second. This smart gadget is small yet powerful. Moreover, it is best to use in an enclosed space to get the most out of its advantages.

[amazon box=”B071DXQ1RV” title=”Wynd Plus” image_alt=”Wynd Plus” rating=”4.3″ image_size=”medium” description=”Smart Portable Air Purifier with detacheable Sensors.”]

Wynd Plus is a medical grade filter that eradicates particulates, mold, bacteria, cat dander, and pollution on the air in just a few minutes. Like so, its fast-acting powerful effect is the one you and your family needs. Most of all, it comprises detachable matter sensors that work to monitor the air quality around you. The device itself can adjust the level of purification automatically depending on the result of its analysis.

Final Thought

Using these smart gadgets, clean and breathable air is now reachable by your hands. Think about it. Now that even purifying air becomes possible through technology.  Your choice is the only thing that separates you from accessing clean, purified, and fresh air. From living with dangerous elements inside your own territory. More so, make a difference in your health by utilizing these sleek home gadgets you can access in one of the most reliable stores you can visit online. After this read, why not take some time checking these products in Amazon later?

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Mary, a passionate computer engineer, finds her biggest hobby in exploring the vast world of the internet. On this platform, she eagerly shares her extensive knowledge of the Internet with the readers through detailed articles and reviews. With a background in Computer Engineering studies, Mary's expertise allows her to provide valuable insights and guidance. For inquiries or collaboration, feel free to contact her at

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